10 Health Benefits Of Turmeric And Ginger

Ginger and turmeric are powerful medicinal ingredients found in the kitchen, which can be put to many different uses. Consuming these items regularly not only boosts immunity levels but also speeds healing from diseases like coughs, colds, wounds and injuries. Today we will focus on two of the most potent medicinal kitchen ingredients: ginger and turmeric. Individually or together they provide many health advantages like relieving pain, protecting against illness and reducing nausea or morning sickness. Both ginger and turmeric can be prepared raw or dried. Both ginger and turmeric are acceptable in Indian cuisine. The multiple benefits of gingerol in ginger or curcumin found in turmeric can be attributed to these active ingredients. Two common spices, ginger and turmeric, have been used for centuries in traditional cooking and medicine. Both ginger and turmeric have been used for centuries in many cultures all over the globe and are well-known for their health benefits.

turmeric tea is a very popular drink that has many health benefits. Ginger root is used to make ginger tea . It is brewed in the tropical regions of Asia. It is a popular ingredient in cooking and has a spicy and pungent flavor. Traditional medicine uses ginger root to treat many ailments. The root is brewed into a tea called Turmeric Superfood. Turmeric is a native of India and other parts South Asia. It is used as a spice in cooking. It has a bright yellow color, and mild bitter taste. Let’s take a look at the top health benefits that ginger and turmeric offer.

10 Benefits of Turmeric and Ginger

1. Ginger Can Help You Shed Those Extra Pounds

Ginger is a natural way to lose weight. Researchers performed a systematic review of the effects of ginger consumption on obesity and overweight people to determine their effectiveness. Researchers concluded that ginger consumption led to a reduction in body weight and an increase of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). Juliana Tamayo is a Medical Dietitian at MedStar Washington Hospital Center. She says that ginger’s “detox” properties are why it is so often used in weight loss and diet plans. These are mostly due to the fact ginger improves digestion and overall how your body absorbs nutrients.

2. Ginger Is Beneficial For Indigestion

Indigestion is a condition that causes you to feel gassy, bloated, or burning in your chest. This condition is much more common than you might think. Every year, one in four Americans suffers from indigestion. The purpose of this study was to determine how ginger affects gastric motility in patients with chronic indigestion or functional dyspepsia. After an hour, the subjects were offered three ginger capsules or a placebo. Then they were served a soup. Results showed that ginger supplements caused faster gastric emptying than placebos. This is important because gastric emptying can be associated with relief from indigestion.

Anecdotal evidence suggests ginger’s antioxidant gingerol may be able to communicate with the brain’s feel-good chemical (serotonin), in order to relieve stomach discomfort. This is a good area for quality research.

3. Ginger Helps Reduce Period Pains

If you are suffering from painful periods and hot water bags are not helping, consider the zingy ginger. Studies have shown that ginger can reduce period pains in women. Ginger is the natural way to go if you want to stop taking painkillers and live a healthier lifestyle.

4. Ginger Improves Brain Function

Ginger can help improve brain function. Research says so. A study was conducted to determine the effects of ginger extract on cognitive function in middle-aged women. Two months of ginger extract was administered to sixty women. The results were encouraging as they showed an improvement in working memory and general brain functionality.

5. Ginger Lowers Your Cholesterol Levels

A higher risk of developing heart disease has been associated with high cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), which builds up in the blood vessels and can cause a stroke or heart attack. How can you lower your cholesterol? A 2018 study asked people aged 18-70 years to consume 5 grams of ginger daily for three months. The results showed a remarkable 17.41% drop in LDL cholesterol and an astonishing 8.33% drop in total cholesterol.

6. Reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease from Turmeric

Did you know turmeric and ginger are part of the same family? It is not surprising that ginger and turmeric have many health benefits. Research has shown that turmeric is great for your heart health. One study looked at how curcumin (found in turmeric) affects the health of young healthy adults. For eight weeks, fifty-nine people were given curcumin extract. They experienced a 3% increase of heart function. Curcumin reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

7. Turmeric may help to reduce symptoms of depression

Depression is known as “The Silent Killer”. WHO estimates that around 280 million people suffer from depression worldwide. To test the effects of curcumin on major depressive disorders, sixty patients were subject to a controlled trial. Results showed that 1000mg of curcumin had the same effect on depression as Prozac. Curcumin in turmeric is believed to stimulate the production of serotonin, dopamine and dopamine. Geraniol in ginger may also help protect against stress. This is a topic that requires more research.

8. Turmeric helps lower blood sugar levels

Although most of the research on turmeric and its effects on blood sugar have been done on animals, it is still promising that they are being conducted on humans. One study looked at how curcumin affected insulin levels in obese mice. For sixteen weeks, the mice were treated with curcumin and their insulin levels were monitored every day. The results showed that the mice had lower insulin levels and a lower body weight.

9. Turmeric makes your skin healthy

Turmeric can help you achieve smooth, shiny skin if you have any skin conditions or want to improve your skin’s appearance. To examine the effects of turmeric upon skin health, a systematic review was conducted. After reviewing 234 articles, researchers concluded that curcumin (the active compound in turmeric) had a positive effect on skin health. This was in relation to skin conditions like alopecia and dermatitis.

10. Turmeric may help prevent eye diseases

Due to its pharmacological benefits, this golden spice has been used for thousands of years by Asian and Indian cultures. It is known to prevent many eye diseases. Research has shown that curcumin is active in slowing down the progression of eye diseases like macular degeneration, retinal carcinoma, and diabetic-retinopathy.

Side Effects of Turmeric & Ginger

Like everything else, ginger and turmeric have side effects and benefits.

1. Greater chance of developing kidney stones

Research has shown that turmeric contains oxalates. These compounds are substances that are excreted from the body through excretion. Excessive oxalate can lead to kidney stones. Researchers conducted a study to determine the effects of cinnamon and turmeric on urinary oxalate excretion. High doses of turmeric are associated with a higher rate of urinary excretion of oxalate, which increases the risk of developing kidney stone.

2. Ginger Can Cause Gas And Bloating

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, ginger can cause gas and bloating. Consuming ginger and turmeric in moderation, other than the mentioned side effects, is the best way.

Is it healthy to eat ginger and turmeric every day?

Modern research doesn’t suggest how much turmeric or ginger you should consume daily. It is recommended to consume moderate amounts of ginger and turmeric with water or milk every day. This can help you live a healthy lifestyle.

Ginger, turmeric, and its amazing tubes have been the stars of scientific research for many centuries. The many benefits of ginger, turmeric, and other rhizomes are endless. These two rhizomes can be used to spice up your life. They have many benefits, including reducing nausea and improving memory. Make ginger tea or turmeric milk with small amounts of turmeric and ginger. You will be amazed at the health benefits they bring. Juliana Tamayo says, “Turmeric is a great combination to consume at any time of day.” For a restful night, you can pair them with lemon water or chamomile tea. You might get better sleep if you take turmeric and ginger before going to bed. This can help reduce pain and relax your body.

In Conclusion

While both turmeric and ginger have many health benefits, further research is necessary to understand the effects they have on the body. If you are pregnant or nursing or have any medical conditions, it is a good idea consult a healthcare professional before adding spices to your diet. Both turmeric and ginger have been used for centuries in traditional cooking and medicine. These superfoods have many health benefits, so they are worth adding to your diet. We wish you super health!

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